How Does It Work
My work is client-centered, not technique driven.
The goal of the work is:
- Discovery of inner-knowing and guidance;
- Harnessing will to explore, experiment, and become more aware of alternate skillful options; and
- Deliberate choice of more intentional, precise action.
Executive Coaching and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
Executive Coaching is solution-focused and grounded in continual learning and growth. Discernment, planning, evaluation, and determination of next steps take place here.
Executive coaching is recommended for those who already have a fairly clear idea of the challenges they face, but do not yet have practical strategies for navigating these issues with greater awareness and skill. Clients already possess the capacity for self-reflection and have a sense of their innate talents and strengths; also, where they are likely to struggle or repeat mistakes at work and home. Most importantly, they have the desire to mobilize their inner and external resources to take constructive action once they identify what those actions could be.
There are others who are interested in personal exploration but do not have the ability to make changes that they themselves have identified as being necessary. People in this situation benefit more from psychotherapy than executive coaching as they need first to reclaim their ability to act on their own behalf. If clients are unable to take reasonable action on their own behalf, I suspend executive coaching and refer them out to psychotherapists. Hypnotherapy may be an excellent option here, however, so long as a client has a therapist with whom they can process their new awareness.
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is exploratory in nature and takes place in the alpha or theta level of consciousness. This is a state of deep physical relation and an alert mind. The normal conscious chatty mind takes a back seat to symbolic images and memories that emerge from the unconscious to shed light on the issues, strengths, and conflicts occurring more deeply within.